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How Bail Bonds Work In Glendale, CA

Bail Bonds Glendale Ca
glendale ca bail bonds

Once the inmate arrives at the jail, an officer will confiscate any personal belongings that the defendant may have for safekeeping for the remainder of the time that they spend at the jail cell. Our agents cannot post the bail on behalf of the defendant until the inmate has completed the booking process. The booking process could take up to several hours because the booking process involved several steps.


Also how busy the jail is at the time could prolong the booking process. The step that takes up the most time is the fingerprinting process. The jailer will not be able to clear the inmate for bail until he or she has received the results from the fingerprinting scan. When you contact one of our agents, they will explain the whole bail bond process to you and make sure that you understand all of your responsibilities for posting the bail on behalf of your loved one.


The agent will first contact the jailer and verify that your loved one has been cleared for bail. Then our agent will contact you with a place and time for you two to meet up so that you could fill out the necessary paperwork.


When all of the paperwork is complete, our agent will then turn in the paperwork to the jailer. The jailer will then verify that all of the information is in the paperwork and will then release the inmate to your custody. After that the jailer will then assign the defendant a later court date. Information by Sunrise Bail Bonds Glendale.

Glendale Bail Bonds.

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