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Here at Sunrise Bail Bonds Glendale, all of our agents are highly trained and experienced to handle any situation that may occur during the whole bail bond process. We have been serving the amazing city of Glendale for many years and will continue to serve this great city for many years to come. We have bailed out thousands of people from Glendale and its surrounding areas without any hassles or complications. All of our clients leave our office with a smile on their face and completely satisfied with our services. When a loved one is arrested in the city of Glendale, they are usually taken to the Glendale Police Department which is located at 131 N Isabel St Glendale, CA 91206. When the defendant arrives at the jail, he or she will then start the booking process, which can take several hours depending on how busy the jail is at that time. The beginning of the booking process includes the gathering of the inmate’s information such as his or her name and date of birth in order for the jailer to add that information to the LA County Sheriff’s database.
Once that initial step is completed, the jailer will then confiscate any personal belongings the arrestee may have in their possession for safekeeping for the remainder of the case. Once that is completed the defendant will then be taken to begin the fingerprinting process which is done via the LiveScan Machine. This machine is directly connected to the department of justice and is used to determine whether the defendant has any outstanding warrants or is wanted by any other agency in the area. The jailer cannot legally clear any inmate for bail until he or she receives the results from the fingerprinting process The results could take anywhere from 45 minutes to several hours to get back to the jailer, who will then determine if the inmate is cleared for bail. Once you contact one of our agents, our agent will then begin the jail release process for Glendale Police Department.
When you contact one of our agents, he or she will begin the process by asking you for some personal information regarding the inmate such as his or her name and date of birth. The purpose of this is so our agent could get all of the bail information for your loved one. Once the agent has gathered all of the information to complete the bail bond process, he or she will contact you with a time and place for you two to meet so that you could fill out some necessary paperwork to complete the jail release process for the city of Glendale. Once all of the paperwork is completed, our highly trained agent will turn it into the jailer so that the jailer could verify that all of the necessary information is completed. Once the paperwork is verified, the jailer will complete the jail release process for the city of Glendale. Once the jailer has completed the jail release process, he or she will then release the defendant into your custody, which could take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours depending on how busy the jail is at that time.
The bail bonds process in Glendale.
Why Sunrise Bail Bonds Glendale!

All of our agents at Sunrise Bail Bonds Glendale are expertly trained and experienced to deal with any situation that may occur during the bail bond process.
We understand that this situation is very stressful for you and your family, which is why we make sure to explain the entire process to you so that you fully understand your role in the whole process and the requirements to complete the jail release process for the city of Glendale.
Here, we assign each of our clients with their own agent so that the whole experience is more personal and you don’t feel uncomfortable having to talk to more than one agent and having to explain your whole situation over and over again.

Our agents make themselves available to you 24/7 so that you could contact him or her any time of the day to help you through anything or to just answer any questions you may have at that time. Our agents are the best in the business when it comes to customer service and they are the most respectable and patient people in the industry. The release of your loved one will become our agent’s main priority and he or she will not rest until your loved one is safe at home awaiting his or her trial.
The longer an inmate remains in jail, the more dangerous it becomes to remain there, which means that it is important to complete this process as quick as possible regarding the safety of the inmate. We are the fastest in the business in completing the bail bond process.

We will make the process as simple as possible and will ensure that your loved one is released from jail as fast as humanly possible. We also understand that times are tough economically and that you may not be able to come up with the full 10% of the full bail amount. This is why we offer the option of a payment plan or financing. However, if you end up choosing this option, then we may need to collect some form of collateral depending on the circumstances of your situation.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding payment plans or collateral, feel free to contact one of our agents any time and they will be more than happy to explain the whole process in greater detail. They will also work with you in order to set up a payment plan that works around your budget so that you could make all of your payments on time.